Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Gadzooks! Where did that year go?!?!

Well, a good friend of mine sent me a note yesterday informing me that his blog had its own URL, separate from Not knowing he even had a blog, I went to take a look at it, and was not disappointed. Wanders, it's a thing of beauty! I will be checking back often, particularly to see how Dawn Weston makes out (read into that what you like) with the new doctor.

Anyway, as to the title of this post, looking at the wanders blog ( yesterday reminded me that I had "recently" started my own blog and, by golly, it was about time I got the world caught up with the family's transition from PC to iMac and all the other stuff that's happened since my first entry this last winter... Uhhhh...except it wasn't this last winter when I made the first post--it was the winter BEFORE!!! It's been over a year-and-a-half since I started wheelhead and hadn't written a single thing since! Well, I'm a reformed wheelhead and will do better (toi, toi, toi!).

Following wanders' lead, I'll be using pseudonyms for my family members (hey, wanders: it took me a while, but I finally figured out what you meant calling your wife "Mother," and you're right--it is hilarious!). For those of you who know my family, here are the new monikers for everyone:
The wife: Miss Saccharine (that was her character name in a high school drama production she was in), which I will more than likely shorten to MS, because I will even more likely misspell every time I try to type it.
Son #1: Alpha
Son #2: Bravo
Son #3: Charlie
Daughter #1: either Delta of Duchess--depends on the context
Daughter #2: either Echo or Princess, again based on context
My father: Pops or Pop (that's what his grandchildren call him)
My mother: Gramsey

Since I last posted, we've had a number of interesting, amusing, and odd things happen to our family. I've changed jobs thrice (still with the same agency, just three different positions); Miss Saccharine has become an absolute pro at making fabulous slideshow videos using her new iMac; the kids have lost a combined total of about 20 teeth; Alpha turned 16 (!) yesterday and is finally getting antsy about testing for his learner's driving permit; Bravo has had, in what seems like consecutive weeks, chicken pox, a norovirus, a cold, and Lyme disease (see wanders' blog for his family's brush with the same norovirus) interspersed with two different camps; Charlie got baptized in a friend's indoor pool; Delta finished her homeschool kindergarten work early and went to public school for six weeks; and Echo has started to talk...kind of...and you'd better pay attention when she does.

Perhaps most amusingly, I got moved into the High Priest Group (read: old men's group) at church last summer. I chalk it up to falling asleep too many times in Sunday School. That's a (very) little bit of Mormon humor there. The "common wisdom" is that men of profound experience and gospel knowledge are the ones who become High Priests. Because they already know so much and are, no doubt, greatly wearied by their extensive labors in the church, they have earned the right to sleep in church (after all, they already know whatever points the speakers will be making during their talks, right?). Still, one month shy of my 40th birthday, I'm not sure what to make of this development: either I have gone too grey too fast; or this is my bishop's bad idea of a good joke...

Much to catch up on. Must go to bed, though. Until the next post.

1 comment:

Wanders said...

Thanks for the plug for, old man.